Calls for papers

L’aggiornamento costante dei Call for Papers attivi è curato dall’AISNA Graduate Forum, al quale va il ringraziamento del Direttivo.

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RSS Opportunities (Sorted by Publication Date)

  • 10/07/2024 (CFP) June 27, 2024
    This international conference aims to foster interdisciplinary dialogues on the diverse linguistic, literary, and cultural manifestations that margins can assume within the Humanities. WHAT, WHEN AND WHERE Margins are the kingdom of change, transformation, fluidity, and (re)location. To stand on the margins is to be transgressive, interdicted, eccentric. To prefer the margins over the central/centralised […]
    Stefano Franceschini
  • Untitled June 25, 2024
    Scholars from across all disciplines are invited to convene for a (tentatively) two-day conference on the weekend of his 215th deathday where we will critically examine the Tomahawk’s works, including his poetry, prose, novel, and essays. WHAT, WHEN AND WHERE Ring in the Halloween season by celebrating the life and works of the U.S.’s grandfather […]
    Stefano Franceschini
  • CFP (30/06/2024) – FARI, PASSAGGI E APPRODI June 10, 2024
    Bibliomanie, in linea con il suo approccio scientifico interdisciplinare, invita per il numero #58 (dicembre 2024) a proporre contributi di taglio letterario, storico e semiotico che affrontino aspetti relativi al tema scelto. WHAT, WHEN AND WHERE Quella dei fari è una storia affascinante che si perde nella notte dei tempi e va di pari passo […]
    Stefano Franceschini
  • 15/07/2024 – Forgotten Spaces: Ecocriticism Social Justice, and the U.S. South (Collection of Essays) May 29, 2024
    We seek theoretically-sophisticated essays attentive to intersections between race, class, gender, and sexuality within the U.S. South to round out our proposed collection. Interdisciplinary environmental research from a variety of frameworks and disciplines is welcome, including literature, film, art, history, popular culture, public memory, sociology, political science, and geography. WHAT, WHEN AND WHERE The U.S. […]
    Stefano Franceschini
  • 05/05/2024 (CFP) – The Role of Public History Within and Outside the United States: Critical Reflections April 25, 2024
    USAbroad invites public history or public history-related contributions investigating US compelling past(s), heritage, memories and socio-economic fractures. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the field, which benefits from the integration of various research areas and communication methods, contributions may draw from, but are not limited to, the following research areas related to American history. WHAT, WHEN […]
    Stefano Franceschini
  • 17/05/2024 (role opportunity) – IASA Emerging Scholars Fellowship April 22, 2024
    The Emerging Scholars Fellowship Program is a mechanism facilitated by the scholars and IASA and its scholarly journal RIAS – Review of International American Studies for the acquisition of experience and the honing of skills of academic, scholarly and administrative leadership. WHAT, WHEN AND WHERE The IASA Emerging Fellows are those scholars who apply and […]
    Stefano Franceschini
  • 15/06/2024 (CFP) – Race & Ethnicity in Popular Culture at NEPCA 2024 April 18, 2024
    Northeast Popular Culture Association (NEPCA) 2024 Hybrid Conference WHAT, WHEN AND WHERE We invite submissions that critically examine the intersections of race and ethnicity within popular culture. From film and television to literature and social media, this CFP seeks to interrogate the ways in which racial identities are constructed, represented, and contested in contemporary media […]
    Francesca Scaccia
  • 02/05/2024 (Workshop) – Slavery after Abolitionism? Temporalities, (Im)Mobility and Labor in Global Perspective April 15, 2024
    WHAT, WHEN AND WHERE Date: May 2, 2024 Location: Torino, Italy Subject Fields: African American History / Studies, African History / Studies, Slavery, Women’s & Gender History / Studies The PhD program in Global History of Empires is pleased to invite anyone interested in the workshop “Slavery after Abolitionism? Temporalities, (Im)Mobility and Labor in Global Perspective”. Invited presenters […]
    Francesca Scaccia
  • 17/06/2024 (CFP) – Neo/noir and Thriller Imaginaries in US American Culture April 12, 2024
    The virtual conference will focus on US American imaginaries related to neo/noir and thriller narratives. WHAT, WHEN AND WHERE We wish to collect presentations that deal with noir broadly intended as, after all, “noir itself is a kind of mediascape—a loosely related collection of perversely mysterious motifs or scenarios that circulate through all the information […]
    Francesca Scaccia
  • 20/04/2024 (Event registration) – Seminar on U.S. History, Literature, and Culture, “Banned (Hi)stories: Shaking the Foundations of American Culture” April 5, 2024
    Il Centro Studi Americani ha il piacere di comunicarvi che il Seminario di Letteratura, Storia e Cultura Americana, organizzato in collaborazione con l’AISNA (Associazione Italiana di Studi Nord-Americani) e l’Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti d’America in Italia, si terrà da lunedì 6 a mercoledì 8 maggio 2024. Il Seminario, tenuto da docenti statunitensi e italiani, si […]
    Stefano Franceschini